
16 March 2015

Monthly Meeting of Dharma School Facilitators

On Tuesday 3 March, Nalanda Dharma School (N.D.S.) facilitators from Sri Serdang and NEO Centre Happy Garden came together for their monthly meeting at Nalanda Centre.  The meeting was chaired by School Director, Sis. Sunanda Ong. Read more

15 March 2015

Nalanda Johor Bahru Branch 2nd A.G.M.

On Sunday 1 March, Nalanda Buddhist Society Johor Bahru Branch had a fruitful 2nd Annual General Meeting.  The meeting was also attended by Nalanda’s Honorary Secretary Sis. Buddhini Tan and Assistant Secretary Sis. Mudita Chan, representing the National Board of Management.

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14 March 2015

Ajahn Sumedho in Malaysia

We are very pleased to share that Venerable Ajahn Sumedho has arrived in Malaysia from Singapore!  Tonight, Ajahn is giving a public talk at Uttama Bodhi Vihara (UBV) in Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya, at 7.30pm.

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14 March 2015

Junior Dharma School starts this Sunday

Following the opening of Nalanda Dharma School in Johor Bahru last weekend, the much-anticipated ‘Nalanda Junior Dharma School’ will commence classes this Sunday, 15 March at Nalanda House, Sri Serdang!  The Junior School is specially catered for older children aged 10 to 12.  They will be guided by experienced facilitators using practical and hands-on learning methods.

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13 March 2015

‘Pindacāra’ in Kuala Lumpur

On Saturday 7 March, the monthly educational ‘Pindacāra’ Programme at Sri Petaling and Happy Garden markets was held with three venerable Sangha members going on alms-round.  Many regular devotees gathered along the ‘Pindacāra’ route waiting for the arrival of the venerable monks to offer food.  Some market-goers were so inspired by the sight of composed monks that they promptly joined in the offering!

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13 March 2015

Welcoming Ajahn Sumedho to Malaysia

Dear friends, the highly-respected Dhamma teacher in Ajahn Chah’s forest tradition, Venerable Ajahn Sumedho, will be in Kuala Lumpur this weekend!  Let’s not miss this wonderful opportunity to meet with, and learn the Dhamma from Venerable Ajahn in person. Read more

12 March 2015

Nalanda Dharma School opens in Johor Bahru

The 8th of March was the most important milestone for Nalanda Johor Bahru Branch since its establishment in 2013 as it marked the opening of Nalanda Dharma School there!  It was indeed a wonderful occasion to rejoice over.  This auspicious start of the School in Johor Bahru will serve the needs of a large Buddhist community in this southern-most Malaysian city, and paving the way for teenagers aged 13 to 17 to learn the Buddha-Dhamma.

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11 March 2015

New Year “Family Gathering” in Kedah

On Saturday 28 February, Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch members held a “family gathering” in Alor Setar in conjunction with the Lunar New Year.  In his speech, Branch Chairman Bro. Seng Giap thanked all members for their support in carrying out the branch’s programmes.

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11 March 2015

Ajahn Sumedho to visit Nalanda Centre

We are very pleased and honoured to welcome Venerable Ajahn Sumedho to Nalanda Centre this weekend!  Ajahn Sumedho is a highly-respected senior monk in the Thai forest tradition.  He was ordained in Thailand in the 1960’s and trained for years with the late Ajahn Chah, being the famous Dhamma Master’s senior-most Western disciple.

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10 March 2015

Memorial Service at Sentul Buddhist Temple

On Wednesday 4 March, a team of Nalandians attended a memorial service at Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple in Sentul, for the late Madam L. M. Bisomanike, mother of the temple’s Abbot Venerable Sri Saranankara Nāyaka Thero.  The late Mdm. Bisomanike passed away peacefully on 2 March in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

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