Dhamma Talk by Ven. Dr. Karma Lekshe Tsomo It was a thought-provoking session as Ven. Dr. Karma Lekshe Tsomo shared on how Buddhists can be socially engaged and take up the universal responsibility of all Buddhists. We were also motivated to dwell deeper in our meditation practice and cultivate the qualities of the Four Divine Abodes (Brahmaviharas), namely Compassion, Loving Kindness, Sympathetic Joy and Equanimity, in order to achieve personal and social harmony. Anumodana!
Read moreThe following are Bro. Tan’s teachings on 17 June 2012, the Fifth Gimhāna Sunday, summarised by Sis. Faith Teh.
Read moreAsalha Full-moon Day falls exactly 2 months after Wesak Day. It marks the three important events in the history of Buddhism – the day Buddha Gotama was conceived; the day He renounced worldly life to become an ascetic; and the day He first preached the Dhamma as the Enlightened Teacher.
Read moreSynopsis The book is a compilation of the twenty-four talks given by Ven. Ayya Khema in the spirit of the Mahāparinibbāna Sutta, and is aimed at our own practice, “having the Dhamma as our island and refuge.” The first chapter helps us to understand what it means to “take refuge” in the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha. The second chapter explains the sublime qualities of the Dhamma, and goes on to describe that we "need not seek other refuge." The subsequent chapters continue to introduce the teachings of the Buddha, and the sharing of the author’s meditation practice and her compassionate life that lead to inner peace.
Read moreBefore the self-practice group sitting meditation, we reaffirm our faith in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. With understanding and devotion, we pay homage to our Teacher, the Enlightened and Blessed One, take the Three Refuges and observe the Five Precepts.
Read moreToday, we honour all fathers all over the world. As we wish those around us “Happy Fathers’ Day”, it also serves as a reminder to all of us to have right understanding on how to be a better father and a better person in general, improving our roles as part of a family, leading to greater family well-being.
Read moreThe following is a summary of Bro. Tan’s teaching on 10 June 2012, the Fourth Gimhana Sunday at Nalanda.
Read moreAs the participants of the Volunteer Induction Programme took turns to introduce themselves, it dawned upon me that these volunteers are no ordinary people.
Read moreWell-guided by the Dhamma, we carry its light within us into every moment, any situation – we are upright, serene and compassionately wise. This is what it means to be a Noble One (Ariya). As Buddhists, this is our mission. In order to evolve spiritually, we must follow through our vision with right action. Every day, wherever we are, whatever we are doing, we continuously practise non-grasping, radiate loving-kindness and accomplish wholesome deeds. In every scenario, we can conscientiously choose happiness (sukha) over suffering (dukkha). Rather than “I Can’t!”, choose to believe “I Can!” and practise “I Will!” instead. In this way, we gradually transform to be better, calmer and free.
Read moreThe inviting atmosphere in the Nalanda Shrine Hall saw another huge turnout for the second group meditation of the Gimhana Retreat. Guided by Bro. H S Tan, yogis sat with gladdened minds, full of gratitude and appreciation for this opportunity to practise.
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