
1 June 2012

“Do Good, Feel Good” – Generous Offering

“The performance of good actions gives rise to merit (punna), a quality which purifies and cleanses the mind.”
“What Buddhists Believe” by Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda 

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31 May 2012

“Freedom from Fear”

In this article, Bro.Tan shares his thoughts on Aung San Suu Kyi’s first trip abroad in 24 years, and on his recent teaching tour to Burma. 

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30 May 2012

Do Good, Feel Good!

The following are teachings of Bro. Tan on 27 May 2012, the Second Gimhana Sunday, written by a devotee. 

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28 May 2012

Monthly Dhamma Discussion

Topic: The Three Jewels – Part 2

Date: Friday, 8 June 2012
Time: 12pm – 1.30pm
Venue: Pustaka Nalanda

Below are the Páli verses that we recite to recall the qualities of the noble Sangha:

Supatipanno Bhagavato savakasangho 
Ujupatipanno Bhagavato savakasangha
Ñayapatipanno Bhagavato savakasangho
Samicipatipanno Bhagavato savakasangho

To complete the explanation of The Three Jewels, we will explore these qualities during the session on 8 June.

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25 May 2012

“Meditation : The Only Way”

 Synopsis This book aims at explaining why meditation is absolutely essential (it is The Only Way) to give modern men the peace and solace he so desperately needs. It details the long term and short term benefits that can be gained, how to prepare for it, the method to be used and how to evaluate success. This book is written in simple language for the benefit of those who are interested in starting this important practice, to remove their doubts and fears regarding its spiritual and therapeutic values.

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24 May 2012

Non-grasping is the key!

It was a packed hall once again as Nalandians came together last night for the first group meditation of the Gimhana Retreat, guided by the founder of Nalanda, Bro. H S Tan.  As the gong was struck, the sound reverberated soothingly before fading into nothingness.  Thus is the impermanent nature of all conditioned phenomena.  Yet, we find ourselves constantly craving, clinging and grasping – material things, people, words, thoughts, or emotions – all of which are so fleeting, so completely empty and selfless.  But we latch on anyway, and we hang on tight.  We allow ourselves to continually churn and wallow in this unnecessary exercise of mulling over what is past, or what is yet to come.

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23 May 2012

Let’s Evolve Spiritually

The following is a summary of Bro. Tan's teaching on 20 May 2012, the first day of Nalanda Gimhana Retreat. "Better than a hundred years lived unwisely and indolently, is one day spent in earnest, energetic effort." Dhammapada Verse 112

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21 May 2012

Joyful start to Gimhana Dhamma Retreat

With devoted practice, I honour the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha

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20 May 2012

LMS 276: Profile of an Effective Buddhist Leader

Bro. Huat Chye giving encouraging feedback and inspiring food for thought As the participants settled in for this course, they re-examined the main points from Module 1:  Effective Management of Human Capital in Buddhist Organisations to reinforce the valuable take-home messages.  Participants were then given a “Personal Motivation Questionnaire” (PMQ) to understand what motivates them.  The three key areas were – need for Achievement, Affiliation and Power.  This helped participants to gain more insight into themselves, understanding what drives them to serve and to lead.

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18 May 2012

“Available Truth”

Introduction Along with reflections on mindfulness, impermanence, and the end of suffering, the author delves into the topics of rebirth, karma, non-virtue, and the roles of reasoned faith, ritual, and monasticism, revealing their continuing relevance for today’s truth seeker. The investigation on the workings of the mind and the natural world enable readers to deepen their practice and their lives.

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