Have you read a Dhamma book today? What can we do to make this Wesak a meaningful day? Besides participating in religious activities at Buddhist temple or centre, we can also read a book on Buddhism and share our understanding with family members and friends.
Read more1 May is designated ‘Nalanda Day’; it marks the 9th anniversary of Nalanda’s founding. On this day, Nalandians congregated for morning devotion at the Shrine Hall, before gathering in the Srivijaya Hall, where important Society events are usually held.
Among the many significant ‘news’ for the day were the launchings of Nalanda’s revised website, our new uniform, our first vehicle – a reconditioned, used-van generously donated by Mr. Chan Fong, and “Nalanda-Macro” – an important document outlining Nalanda’s Transformation Programme and our organizational goals for the next one year.
This is a featured-article on Wesak 2012, published in the New Straits Times, on Friday, 27 April 2012, Streets, pp 4. Happy Wesak!
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