Appamādaviharī Meditation Centre Committee Members and Nalandians form a special bond of friendship.
On Saturday 31 October, Venerable Ayya Susīlā and Appamādaviharī Meditation Centre Committee Members from Penang visited Nalanda Centre on a familiarisation tour. They were warmly greeted by Nalandians who made them welcome and gladly took them around the centre. Ayya Susīlā and the visitors then met with senior Nalanda officers for a genial discussion on the Society’s operations and educational activities.
The following day, the visitors attended Service Sunday where Ayya Susīlā gave a Dhamma talk on mindfulness and meditation, and opened the floor to Q & A. The audience responded enthusiastically and asked many interesting questions.
Lunch dāna was offered to Ayya Susīlā and many devotees participated in the meritorious deed. We thank Ayya Susīlā and Appamādaviharī Committee Members for their visit and look forward to hosting them again in the near future. Sadhu anumodana!