Barack Obama: preserve Borobudur

Barack Obama: preserve Borobudur

Reported by the Jakarta Post, 30 June 2017.
The iconic Candi Borobudur stands majestically.

The iconic Candi Borobudur stands majestically in midst of well-preserved grounds.

During his visit to the iconic Borobudur Stupa in Central Java last Wednesday, former President of the United States Barack Obama said the monument brought back fond memories of his childhood.

“Obama is very happy to be back in Borobudur; he mentioned that he had visited this place when he was a child, but now the visit is more special, because he’s bringing his family with him,” said Edy Setijono, Director of PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan & Ratu Boko.

Former US President Obama touring Borobudur in June 2017.

Former US President Obama touring Borobudur with his family in June 2017.

Obama spent part of his childhood in Jakarta, arriving as a six-year-old back in 1967 and staying with his mother and his Indonesian stepfather until 1971.  During those years, his mother and stepfather often took him to Yogyakarta.

While exploring the temple, Obama took several photos in one corner on the seventh level of the stupa.  Moreover, Obama also calls for the preservation of the 9th-century Buddhist monument. “He said that locals should protect and preserve Candi Borobudur.  It is a positive message from him,” Setijono added.

Borobudur Stupa located in Magelang, Central Java.

Borobudur Stupa located in Magelang, Central Java, is the world’s largest Buddhist monument.