Be heedful of SOPs even as restrictions relax

Be heedful of SOPs even as restrictions relax

When we adhere to SOPs, we also keep others safe and maintain the intention of harmlessness.

It has been announced that 90% of the Malaysia adult population have now been fully vaccinated against Covid-19.  The daily infection numbers have started to drop in the past weeks and vaccinations are now being administered for teenagers of ages 12 to 17.  We have also reached a milestone for the lifting of travel restrictions cross-states today, allowing many Malaysians to visit their family or go on holidays.

This is a welcome respite from the months of lockdowns we have patiently endured, but also a time for us to be ever more attentive to our own adherence to SOPs in place; the virus is still a threat and we must do what we can to continue reducing new infections.  Another key factor in living with the threat of Covid-19, is to take care of our physical and mental well-being.  Sustaining peace and calm in the mind enables us to face inevitable challenges, as well as reduces stress on the body if we contract the virus.

Although we may all start to feel a sense of relief that the saga could be finally over, we cannot rest on our laurels.   We must continue to do what is needed to keep our communities safe, and be mindful that situation will fluctuate.  Let us thank our brave and persistent front-liners for their dedication in this fight against Covid-19, and send thoughts of loving-kindness to those who have been impacted by the pandemic.  May those who succumbed to the virus rest in Peace.