Be mentally prepared before meditation

Be mentally prepared before meditation

Sis. Buddhini  explaining that it was important for us to be aware of the causes and conditions that disturb us before we can settle our minds and be concentrated.

Sis. Buddhini sharing the story of the Buddha in one of his previous lives.

On Wednesday 6 April, at Nalanda’s weekly group meditation, Sis. Buddhini shared about the importance of mental preparation before meditation. She explained that it was important for us to be aware of the causes and conditions that disturb us before we can settle our minds and be concentrated.

During the Dhamma discussion, Sis. Buddhini also shared the story of the Buddha in one of his previous lives, when he was a holy man and saved a caravan of travellers from bandits. When asked whether He was afraid of the bandits, the Holy One replied that the sight of bandits was only frightening to the rich. As He owned nothing of value to the robbers, He had nothing to fear.

Chanting before group meditation.

Devotees chanting before the meditation session.

He said: “Possessing only loving-kindness and compassion, I follow the straight path leading to the Truth.” (Buddhist Tales for Young and Old – Volume 2. Interpreted by Ven. Kurunegoda Piyatissa)

In doing good, cultivating wholesome qualities, and practising the Dhamma, we will develop courage and fearlessness, and be protected. We thank Sis. Buddhini for her insightful sharing. Sadhu anumodana.