Big ‘Thank you’ from Summit team

Big ‘Thank you’ from Summit team

The evaluation meeting concluded months of preparations leading up to the 3-day Leaders’ Summit, held over the weekend from 30 March to 1 April.

Just a day after the end of the Inaugural Summit of Buddhist Leaders, the Organising Team comprising officers of Nalanda Institute Malaysia and Theravada Buddhist Council met on Monday, 2 April to evaluate the outcome and effectiveness of the programme.

Team members offered and reviewed feedback on programme content, learning materials, impact of forums, facilitation skills, logistics, volunteer performance, et cetera – from pre-event preparations to post-event follow-ups.

Team members discussing and reviewing the various aspects of the Summit.

The overall response from participants had been marvellous, with many of them requesting that such conventions should be made a regular feature for Buddhist leaders, so as to enhance the quality of visionary leadership in our community.

The Organising Team headed by Bro. K.C.Tan, Achariya Tan Siang Chye, Sis. Paruadi, and Bro. S.Y. Tong would like to thank all participating leaders and supporting organisations for championing this Summit.  Big thanks and kudos also to all volunteers who worked joyfully and diligently to ensure the event was efficiently run.

Dedication of merits to all teachers, leaders, benefactors in life, spiritual friends, and all sentient beings. May all beings be liberated from suffering.

Maha sadhu to all good deeds performed in the course of organising this event.  May the Buddha-Sāsana long endure!