Bro. Tong sharing first part of the second module of “Buddhist Devotional Practice” – “Going for Refuge”.
The second module of “Buddhist Devotional Practice” course organized by Nalanda Institute was joyfully concluded on 26 April. The first part of the course on “Going for Refuge” was delivered by Bro. Tong Siong Yeow, Head of Department for Leadership and Management Studies.
Bro. Tong gave a clear understanding of the importance of taking the three refuges (Tisarana) – in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. He further explained on the attitude and manners which should be cultivated by devotees who are taking refuge.
Sis. Sandy Lim, Head of Department for Buddhist and Pāli Studies delivered the second part of the course on “Keeping Precepts”. She explained the meaning of observing the 5 Precepts in Pāli chanting. Participants had a wonderful time sharing their thoughts through a discussion session after the lectures. For the upcoming Wesak Day on 13 May, participants will have the opportunity to participate in the “Mass-Taking Refuge Ceremony” at Nalanda Centre.
The series of “Buddhist Devotional Practice” courses consists of two remaining modules which will be held in the upcoming Saturdays, 3 May and 10 May at Nalanda Centre. The course is open to everyone for registration.
For more information and to register online, please log on to our website at https://
Thank you and Sukhihontu!