On Saturday 22 August, Director of Nalanda Institute, Achariya Tan Siang Chye continued the course Lectures 7 & 8 with the topic ‘Ten Unwholesome Deeds’.
Achariya Siang Chye first explained the difference between ‘Sucarita’ (Good actions) and ‘Ducarita’ (Bad actions). He shared that wrong actions e.g. stealing, corruption, war caused suffering to others and oneself.
There are ten unwholesome deeds (‘akusala kamma’), which can be grouped into Physical, Mental and Verbal Actions. Unwholesome deeds are performed out of greed (‘lobha’), hatred (‘dosa’), and delusion (‘moha’). As an earnest disciple of the Buddha, we should avoid all forms of unwholesomeness, establish ourselves in goodness, and eradicate the defilements of greed, hatred, and delusion.
During the Q & A session, participants from Kelantan and Serdang raised questions pertaining to practices in daily lives. The participants had a fruitful session, with everyone sharing their views before they were addressed by Achariya Siang Chye. The session concluded with sharing of merits to all beings. Sadhu anumodana!