BPS 303 – Tutorial Session 1

BPS 303 – Tutorial Session 1

Director of Pustaka Nalanda, Bro. Ananda Fong conducting the tutorial session of BPS 303.

On Saturday 25 July, Director of Pustaka Nalanda, Bro. Ananda Fong conducted an interactive session with the participants of BPS 303 – Certificate in Buddhist Studies offered by Nalanda Institute.

Bro. Ananda explained the reason and purpose for taking the Three Refuges.  We take refuge in the Buddha to show our respect and gratitude for guiding us to live a wholesome life leading to the true path of emancipation.  He illustrated topics on ‘Kamma’ and the Four Noble Truths.  After the revision, participants formed groups to discuss on a few topics and thereafter present the results of their discussion.

A representative presenting results of the discussion.

The participants had a fruitful and joyful session, and better understanding of the Dhamma.  With gratitude to Bro. Ananda and the course facilitators, the session concluded with sharing of merits to all beings.  Sadhu anumodana!

Participants rejoicing on the Dhamma they have learnt.