Buddha Day B.E. 2566 Programmes – 8 to 15 May 2022

Buddha Day B.E. 2566 Programmes – 8 to 15 May 2022


Namo Buddhaya!  On the full-moon of the Vesakhā month every year, Buddhists around the world would gather to commemorate the anniversary of Buddha’s Enlightenment.  As Malaysia enters the endemic phase, we are glad to announce that ‘Buddha Day’ programmes will be held at Nalanda Centre from 8 to 15 May, with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in place.  There will also be an on-line service on Buddha Day night for friends near and far.

We joyfully invite you and your loved ones to join us to experience a meaningful celebration and deepen our calmness and joy as we prepare ourselves spiritually to observe this auspicious occasion.  The programmes available this and next weekend are :


BLOOD DONATION  |  Sunday, 8 May  |  10am – 4pm

Join the Blood Donation Drive at Nalanda Centre, a wholesome deed one can perform this Wesak.  Please register in advance to book a suitable slot.


MENTAL HEALTH SCREENING & CONSULTATION  |  Sundays 8 & 15 May  |  10am – 4pm

The pandemic have had potentially deeper effects on us than we realise.  Find out more about your mental health with this screening carried out by qualified counsellors.


‘BUDDHA JAYANTI’ EXHIBITION  |  8 to 15 May  |  10am – 4pm

The Buddha Jayanti Exhibition is one of the highlights of Nalanda’s ‘Buddha Day’ Observance.  Nalanda Dhamma School facilitators and students have together prepared Dhamma messages illustrated through interesting visual presentations to educate the public.


BUDDHA DAY EVE SERVICE  |  Saturday, 14 May  |  8pm 

On the eve of Buddha Day, join us for meditation, offerings and chanting.  There will also be a Dhamma talk by Sis. Paruadi Ramasamy and guided meditation on loving-kindness.


BUDDHA DAY SERVICE  |  Sunday, 15 May  |  9.30am 

Join us to spend a spiritual morning on Buddha Day.  The service will start with Buddha Pūja, followed by a Dhamma talk by Bro. Tan Siang Chye. 


MASS TAKING REFUGE CEREMONY  |  Sunday, 15 May  |  2pm 

This meaningful ceremony commences at 2pm with Dhamma talks in English by Sis. Buddhinī Tan and in Mandarin by Bro. Tong Siong Yeow on the ‘Significance of Wesak’.  Devotees will then be guided in the taking of refuge in the Three Jewels and to undertake the Five Precepts under the blessings of venerable Sangha members.  Please click on this link to register your participation : https://forms.gle/eeva2J1RjKSw1QGv5.


FB LIVE – NIGHT OF TOGETHERNESS  |  Sunday, 15 May  |  8.30pm

To complete our observance, let us gather online for an evening of Dhamma learning and reflection, and offering of lights.


We also invite you to share these programmes with your family and friends so that more people can observe Buddha Day spiritually.  We look forward to welcoming you at Nalanda Centre and on-line.  May you be well and happy.