‘Buddha Day’ Programmes 2021

‘Buddha Day’ Programmes 2021

Namo Buddhaya!  ‘Buddha Day’, the most important day for Buddhists, is just a week away.  This year, we will observe this auspicious occasion on-line in keeping with efforts to curb the Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia.  Although we are not able to gather as an assembly, we can still rally mentally and in spirit to celebrate the Enlightenment of our Great Teacher, the Buddha.

We joyfully invite you to join the ‘Buddha Day’ programmes streamed live on our Facebook page.  Tune in as we explore the Wesak theme for Buddhist Era 2565 – ‘Moving Forward with Courage and Hope’.

Eve Service  |  Tuesday, 25 May  |  8.30pm – 9.30pm

The Buddha Day Eve Service will start at 8.30pm with chanting and a Dhamma talk by Achariya Tan Siang Chye, Director of Nalanda Institute Malaysia.

Buddha Day Observance  |  Wednesday, 26 May  |  9.30am – 11.00am

The Buddha Day Observance starts at 9.30am with chanting and a Dhamma talk by Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama, Chairman of Nalanda Education Committee.  The observance will also include a message by Venerable Sri Saranankara Maha Thero and blessings by Sangha members.

May you have a meaningful and peaceful Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ observance.