It was a lovely Sunday morning on 3 May, when Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ was observed in Malaysia. The good weather with a constant, gentle breeze greeted hundreds of devotees as they arrived at Nalanda Centre to participate in the ‘Buddha Day’ Pūja and Dhamma Talk.
The Service started as usual with meditation, followed by offerings to the ‘Three Jewels’, Pāli chanting, and two concurrent Dhamma talks by the Director of Nalanda Institute, Achariya Tan Siang Chye in English, and Bro. Aggaphala Yap in Mandarin.
Director of Nalanda Institute Achariya Tan Siang Chye leading the congregation in 'Pūja' (offerings).
Achariya Siang Chye shared his ‘Wesak Reflections’ with the congregation, explaining in brief the nine sublime qualities of the Buddha. He further elaborated on the six incomparable qualities for all beings to understand and practise for the attainment of liberation and true happiness.
The incomparable qualities are (1) ‘Noble Seeing’ – seeing which leads to purification of the mind and realizing the Truth; (2) ‘Noble Hearing’ – listening to Dhamma and putting it into practice, one will taste the true flavour of liberation; (3) ‘Receiving’ – the ‘gift’ offered by the Buddha is the highest – which is the teaching related to ‘Sīla’ (morality), ‘Samādhi’ (tranquility) and ‘Paññā’ (wisdom).
(4) ‘Training’ – the Buddha’s training directs us towards the perfection of ‘Sīla’, ‘Samādhi’ and ‘Paññā’; (5) ‘Service’ – when one realizes and appreciates the Dhamma, he then wants to help others walk the same path and thus renders his noble service; (6) ‘Realization’ – when one follows the path and experiences reality, one sees the Dhamma, and hence, the Buddha.
Achariya Siang Chye advised all of us to reflect on how fortunate we are, to still be able to learn and practise the true Dhamma here and now. He urged us to aspire to walk the Buddha’s path with effort as time seems to get shorter with each passing Wesak Day!
We thank Achariya Siang Chye and Bro. Aggaphala Yap for their talks. After the Dhamma teachings, devotees adjourned to Level 1 to perform lunch dāna to Venerables Gunananda and Nandasara who were residing at Nalanda Centre during our Wesak Observance. The morning service concluded with dedication of merits to all beings. Sadhu anumodana!