Taking Refuge in the ‘Three Jewels’

Taking Refuge in the ‘Three Jewels’


Sis. Tan Yee Yong conducting Lecture 2 on ‘Taking Refuge in the Three Jewels’.

On Sunday 13 September, Sis. Tan Yee Yong  conducted Lecture 2 of BPS 101 course – Buddhist Studies in Mandarin – which discussed reasons why human beings seek refuge in religion.  It could be due to fear, greed, ignorance or to overcome difficulties in facing challenges in life.  She further explained that by ‘taking refuge’ in the ‘Three Jewels’ – the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha – we are actually resolving to uphold the Buddha’s teaching as the guiding principle in our lives, and gradually work towards liberation from suffering.


Participants doing Pūja (offerings to the ‘Three Jewels’) mindfully.

Sis. Yee Yong also related the history of Buddhism and its spread from India to other parts of the world.  Participants enthusiastically asked questions to clarify their doubts and had lively group discussions among themselves.  With the clear explanation from Sis. Yee Yong, participants gained a deeper understanding on Buddhism and especially on the ‘Three Jewels’.  Sadhu anumodana!


Sis. Yee Yong facilitating a group discussion.