Buddhist Composer Imee Ooi visits Nalanda

Buddhist Composer Imee Ooi visits Nalanda

Imee Ooi presenting a souvenir to Bro. Tan on her visit to Nalanda Centre.

Ms. Imee Ooi, one of Malaysia’s foremost Buddhist composer and vocalist, paid a visit to Nalanda Centre on Saturday, 21 March.  Imee, who was accompanied by her colleague Mr. Chai Yu, spent two hours touring the Centre and having discussions with Nalanda officers.  They later made a courtesy call on Nalanda Founder, Bro Tan.

Some of Imee Ooi's well-known and popular Buddhist albums, including the "Chant of Metta" (left).

Since establishing IMM Musicworks in 1997, Imee Ooi has released more than 50 albums comprising Buddhist hymns, ‘gathas’, and songs in English, Chinese, Tibetan, Sanskrit and Pāli.  Her melodious voice and serene compositions have touched the hearts of many listeners for the past 18 years.  This July and August, Imee Ooi will take to the stage for the first time in her career to perform some of her best works at Istana Budaya, Kuala Lumpur.  The concert themed “Sounds of Wisdom” will showcase Imee’s immense talent as a musician and singer.

Imee Ooi and Mr. Chai Yu taking leave from Bro. Tan and Nalandian officers.

For more information, you may visit her website at www.immmusic.com .  We wish Imee all the best in her upcoming concert and her future endeavours!