On 16 September “Malaysia Day”, Nalandians took advantage of the public holiday to have another round of cleaning and gardening at Nalanda House. Their most impressive effort was in building a planter box in front of Nalanda House, using bricks recycled from the ongoing Nalanda Building Expansion Project. The three-tiered planter box is 12 feet long by 5 feet wide, with nine compartments for different types of plants. It was a brainchild of Nalanda’s ‘gardener-in-chief’, Bro. Vincent Lee.
Founder Bro. Tan dropped by in the afternoon to admire the team's effort and their beautiful creation.
Work started in the cool of early morning, but only finished almost 10 hours later! However, the effort was worthwhile and very satisfying, because the bricks from the rubble of our building renovation were reused in the planter box – a wonderful recycling project!
It also carries a symbolic meaning as the old is not merely ‘discarded’, but morphed and transformed into something contemporary and admirable! Sadhu anumodana to the entire volunteer gardening squad for your ‘beautiful’ effort last Tuesday! Thank you.