Building Progress – 130 days on!

Building Progress – 130 days on!

Landscaping the surroundings of Nalanda Centre to enhance the experience of visitors to the Centre.

Today marks the 130th day since the Nalanda Centre Building Expansion Project began.  In just another 50 days, the construction and renovation work should be wholly completed!  Currently, work is concentrated at Level 4 and the roof structure.  We have also started landscaping the surroundings of Nalanda Centre.  Volunteers spent a few days last week to clean up the neighbourhood, and planted suitable shrubs to enhance the experience of visitors to the Centre.

Level 3 - Corridor from the Exhibition Hall to the staircase.

Nalanda’s Building Fund is still short of RM521,360.  We would like to appeal for your funding and support towards this noble project.  Donations and sponsorship of any amount are most welcome in the name of “Nalanda Buddhist Society”.  We thank everyone for your continued good wishes and support for the building expansion project.   We hope to complete this project safely, successfully, and satisfactorily.  With deep appreciation and mettā!