Camp for teenagers this holiday

Camp for teenagers this holiday

Teenagers' Camp in J.B. in December 2016.

“True beauty cannot be valued on the outside; but the inside.” – Bro. Tan

During the upcoming holiday, Nalanda Johor Bahru Branch is organising a learning camp for teenagers between 13 and 17 years old.  The camp will be held from 2 to 4 December 2016, at Pure Karma Buddhist Centre, Taman Desa Cemerlang, Johor Bahru.  This educational camp will provide a healthy environment for teenagers to meet many ‘Beautiful Friends’ – friends with ‘beautiful’ behaviour, character, and mind.

The programme will nourish teenagers with wholesome values, culture, knowledge and skills, allowing them to be more independent and spurring them in spiritual growth. Through meaningful and interactive activities, they will have the chance to learn and practise wonderful qualities such as respect, empathy, and compassion.

Participation fee for the camp is RM80, which is inclusive of accommodation, meals and learning materials.

The camp is open for registration. Please contact Sis. Ann (012-727-8820) or Sis. Hui Hui (010-663-4130) for inquiries or to register.  We look forward to your participation!  Thank you.