Career Talk for Youths

Career Talk for Youths

On 17 March 2013, a career talk with the topic “Plan Your Education and Career Now” was held at Nalanda Centre. The speaker, Mr. Lok Eng Hong, pointed out that the world is ever-changing very quickly. We should keep up with the news every day and be competent to cope with the rapidly changing market demands. Employers can interpret a person’s character by merely viewing the first page of one’s resume. 

Mr. Lok advised the youths that if they are still unclear about the career path that they favour, start observing their response to things in day-to-day life. There must be something that motivates you more than others.

We are certainly grateful to Mr. Lok for his time and sharing. May all those who have participated in the talk share the knowledge and insights gained, especially with youths who are embarking on their further education or career path.