On 30 August, Nalandians gathered at NEO Centre Johor Bahru in their uniforms to observe ‘Samaggi Day’ during Service Sunday. In remembrance of our late teacher Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Thero, Branch Chairman Bro. David Yap recollected how the great qualities of the much-respected and beloved late venerable had inspired him.
Read moreOn Saturday 1 August, the monthly educational ‘Pindacāra’ Programme at Sri Petaling and Happy Garden markets was held with three venerable Sangha members going on alms-round. The morning Pūja and chanting session at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur was led by Branch Chairman, Bro. Eugene. Nalandians and volunteers then proceeded to Sri Petaling and subsequently to Happy Garden for the alms-round.
Read moreOn Saturday 22 August, Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch members gathered at Gurun Buddhist Association for their monthly Members’ Day. During the meeting, Branch Chairman Bro. Seng Giap reminded members to reflect on the Dhamma teachings taught by Bro. Tan on 17 July and to practice in our daily lives. After an interactive discussion, members agreed on a list of qualities, including faith, generosity and virtues for cultivation towards a good practitioner and good friend.
Read moreOver the weekend on 8 – 9 August, members from Nalanda branches in Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru and Sungai Petani came to support the recent ‘Family Fun Fair’ – the Society’s fund-raising event in Sri Serdang. It was a wonderful day as all members mingled and worked seamlessly with other Nalandians as we share a common culture of community service.
Read moreOn Saturday 25 July, Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch members gathered at Gurun Buddhist Association for their monthly Members’ Day. During the meeting, Bro. Khaw Keng Hooi joyfully shared on the ‘Four Noble Truths’. He encouraged members to have courage (one of Nalanda’s Core Values) to do the same as part of learning and practice.
Read moreOn Saturday 4 July, the monthly educational ‘Pindacāra’ Programme at Sri Petaling and Happy Garden markets was held with two venerable Sangha members going on alms-round. The devotees and volunteers welcomed Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan and Exco members, Bro. Charlie and Bro. Pee at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur. The programme started at 7.30am with the morning Pūja and chanting session led by Bro. Tan. Thereafter, volunteers and devotees proceeded to Sri Petaling and Happy Garden for the alms-round.
Read moreOn 2 July, Nalanda Founder Bro.Tan made a visit to NEO Centre Sungai Petani (SP) in Kedah to witness its progress. He was accompanied by Nalanda SP Branch Chairman Bro. Khaw, Deputy Chairman Bro.Teoh, and Building Committee Members. Project Coordinator Ar. Bro. Fong briefed the team on the progress of construction work, which began in April and is currently 42% completed.
Read moreOn Sunday 28 June, Nalandians came together at NEO Centre Johor Bahru in their uniforms (white top and sarong) to observe their first ‘Samaggi’ Day which is on the last Sunday of every month. The meaning of ‘Samaggi’ is unity and harmony.
Read moreOn Saturday 27 June, members of Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch came together eagerly for the monthly Members’ Day gathering. Members watched a video recording of Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan’s teaching on “Taking Refuge”, where he explained the significance of taking refuge in the Three Jewels properly and with understanding.
Read moreOn Saturday 6 June, the monthly educational ‘Pindacāra’ (monks going on alms-round) Programme was once again held at Sri Petaling and Happy Garden markets. Nalandians, devotees and volunteers gathered at Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centre Kuala Lumpur at 7.30am to start the day with Pūja and chanting before proceeding to the nearby Sri Petaling market at 8.30am and subsequently, to Happy Garden market at 9.30am.
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