Nalanda Buddhist Society wishes all our Christian friends a “Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year”! May your reunions with friends and family be filled with love, laughter and goodwill. Let us reflect wisely and grow spiritually to become better people and harmonious communities.
Read moreLast weekend, from 19 to 22 December, over 80 Dhamma School students were immersed in the Dhamma as part of the School’s stay-in programme at Nalanda Centre. Themed ‘Heart to Heart’, Nalanda Dhamma School Director Sis. Sunanda and the School’s facilitators led students of ages 9 to 17 in various activities to learn, study and practice the noble teachings of the Buddha.
Read moreWe are saddened to announce the passing away of Venerable Dhammavuddho Māhathera, founder and abbot of Vihara Buddha Gotama, Temoh, Perak this morning. Nalanda Buddhist Society records our deepest condolences to the disciples and students of the late Venerable Dhammavuddho. We shall dedicate today’s morning service to his reverence. May the late Venerable Dhammavuddho attain the bliss of Nibbāna. Santī, Peace.
Read moreOn the morning of 14 December, 68 pilgrims began their two-week ‘Buddhayatra’ (pilgrimage) to India and Nepal. The spiritual journey led by Nalanda founder Bro. Tan will take the group through places associated with the life of our great Teacher, the Buddha, such as Uruvela, Rajagaha, Nalanda, Vesali, Kusinara, Lumbini, Savatthi, and Isipatana near Benares.
Read moreAnnually, 11 December is celebrated as Nalanda ‘Education Day’. On this day, we mark the anniversary of the launching of Nalanda’s “Education Philosophy” which calls for a holistic approach in education — balancing and combining knowledge, skills, values and culture, thus leading to integral development of people.
Read moreTen years ago, on 11 December 2009, Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang was ceremoniously launched in the presence of venerable Sangha members, leaders and members of the Buddhist community from all over Malaysia. Since then, Nalanda Centre has been hosting many pivotal educational programmes that have inspired and impacted the lives of thousands.
Read moreNalandians extend our warmest wishes and respect to Venerable Sri Pandita Henepola Gunaratana Māha Nāyaka Thero on his 92nd birthday!
Read moreOn Sunday 1 December, Nalanda Centre was honoured to host Venerable Ajahn Karuniko for a Dhamma talk. Ajahn said that we should understand suffering and contemplate the cause of suffering. This is neccessary although against the way of the world which is to continuously seek happiness and avoid unhappiness.
Read moreNalanda Centre is honoured to host Ajahn Karuniko, former Abbot of Cittaviveka Chithurst Forest Monastery, U.K. for a Dhamma teaching this Sunday 1 December. We invite you to join the programme which starts at 9am with a meal offering to Ajahn. The service continues with meditation, chanting and a Dhamma teaching. You may bring cooked vegetarian food to offer. All are welcome!
Read moreOn Sunday 17 November, hundreds of devotees streamed into Nalanda Centre to pay tribute to the Mahā Sangha in the annual observance of ‘Sangha Day’. This important occasion enables Buddhist laity to express gratitude and support to the Sangha (monastic community) by offering robes and other requisites, thus practising generosity and humility through the acts of giving.
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