Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 40 (July 2017 edition) is now available for collection at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang and our branch centres. This latest issue highlights events in May and June 2017, including the recent Buddha-Day celebrations at Nalanda. Get a copy and read the latest news and updates on our programmes. We thank our earnest Publication and Editorial team for producing this bimonthly bulletin for our reading pleasure. Sadhu anumodana!
Read moreOn Sunday 21 May, Nalanda had a meaningful gathering to thank volunteers and devotees for the successfully-run ‘Buddha Day’ celebrations recently. Bro. Tan took the opportunity to share with everyone the ways of skillfully working together in harmony, and how to practise Dhamma by being mindfully aware of ourselves and our environment.
Read moreOn Saturday 20 May, a team of Nalandians attended the Selangor State-level Wesak celebration organised by the State government and supported by the Selangor Buddhist Development Council (SBDC). The celebration saw a wonderful gathering of Selangor Buddhist community leaders and activists. The event served to showcase traditional and contemporary Buddhist cultural performances from Malaysia and neighbouring countries.
Read moreNalanda Buddhist Society has just printed another 17,000 copies of Ajahn Buddhadāsa’s booklets, namely “Nibbāna for Everyone” (NEW release), “Kamma in Buddhism”*, “Living in the Present”*, and “Getting Started in Mindfulness with Breathing”* (*all second editions) for free distribution throughout Malaysia. In addition, Nalanda Institute also published a new book – “The Buddha-Word : Discovering the Essential” – for WACANA 2017 Buddhist Conference held on 1 July.
Read moreDuring his visit to the iconic Borobudur Stupa in Central Java last Wednesday, former President of the United States Barack Obama said the monument brought back fond memories of his childhood.
Read moreOn Saturday 13 May, Nalanda Centre was blessed by the visit of 20 monks and 2 nuns from Sri Lanka. The monastic congregation had come to Malaysia to serve the local community on the occasion of Wesak, when many Buddhist centres requested Sangha members to conduct religious activities.
Read moreNalanda Buddhist Society members and devotees were very concerned about the recent floods which devastated parts of Sri Lanka, and caused severe damages with hundreds of casualties. A public donation drive was immediately launched by several Buddhist organisations to raise money for flood relief and reconstruction work; Nalanda’s donation campaign lasted from 30 May to 16 June.
Read moreNalanda Buddhist Society is planning to print a few titles of Dhamma books authored by revered Thai teacher and philosopher-monk, Ajahn Buddhadāsa (1906-1993) for free distribution.
Read moreNalanda Buddhist Society wishes our Muslim friends a joyous celebration of ‘Aidilfitri’ on the first day of Syawal tomorrow. May the fasting and sacrifices you have made over the past month bring you more Peace and blessings. “Selamat Hari Raya!”
Read moreNalanda Centre is hosting a 5-day non-residential Meditation Retreat guided by Venerable Gavesi for beginners and intermediate meditators from 25 to 29 June. We look forward to welcoming all meditators who have registered for the retreat to Nalanda Centre on Sunday.
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