Early this morning, Nalanda members and volunteers joined the Buddhist community at Menara Ken in Taman Tun Dr. Ismail for a wholesome day of giving and service. The Food and Family Fair is currently on-going until 2pm today, to raise funds for the construction of the 1st Malaysian Theravada Bhukkuni Nunnery & Dhamma Training Centre.
Read moreToday, on the new-moon day of Āsālha, Nalanda members and devotees gathered since morning at Nalanda Centre for a day of cultivation. Alternating between sitting and walking meditation sessions, the group received guidance from Ven. Ajahn Narindo, a monk of Chinese-Malaysian descent who has been residing and training at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery.
Read moreDuring the annual Gimhāna Period, Nalanda members and devotees uphold a tradition to dedicate themselves to cultivating the 5 Daily Practices. The 5 Daily Practices are (1) Morning chanting & making noble aspirations, (2) Meditation, (3) Listening to a Dhamma talk / reading a Dhamma book (4) Performing an act of generosity and kindness (5) Evening chanting & reflection.
Read moreToday 1 July, as we commemorate another milestone in our journey together at Nalanda Institute Malaysia, I am filled with immense joy and gratitude for everyone who has selflessly contributed to our activities over the past year. Your dedication and support have been instrumental in our achievements, particularly in the successful implementation of important experiential learning initiatives.
Read moreOn Saturday 6 July, the coming Uposatha new-moon day, we invite you to join us for a day of learning and meditation at Nalanda Centre. Held in conjunction with the Gimhāna Retreat, this Cultivation Day will be guided by Ven. Ajahn Narindo, a monk of Chinese-Malaysian descent who was ordained in 2012 by Luang Por Amaro at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery.
Read moreNalanda Family Fun Fair is just 30 days away! This much anticipated gathering to do good for a good cause is on Sunday 28 July from 9am to 3pm. We invite you to support this annual event, where all proceeds are used to fund educational and Dhamma programmes for the community. These are ways in which you can get involved :
Read moreOn Saturday June 22, over 30 students, parents and facilitators from Nalanda Junior Dhamma School had their first outing at Wisdom Park to cultivate family well-being and experience the joy of service.
Read moreOn Friday 21 June, Nalanda members and devotees were privileged to welcome Luang Por Amaro, the abbot of the Amaravati Buddhist Monastery to Nalanda Centre for the evening service and Dhamma talk. Luang Por Amaro advised the congregation on the distinction between the two kinds of happiness and the two kinds of love which one can experience.
Read moreOn Sunday 16 June, 50 facilitators and students from Nalanda Dhamma School embarked on a study trip to Buddhist Maha Vihara and Sin Sze Si Ya Temple Pioneers of Kuala Lumpur Museum, to deepen their understanding of Buddhist heritage and Kuala Lumpur's history.
Read moreOver this weekend, Nalanda members and volunteers have been engaged in training & learnings programmes to upskill ourselves in our service. Yesterday, participants of the second intake of HCL 001 Horticulture & Landscaping Course started their training in basic horticulture skills towards upkeeping and maintaining the grounds of Wisdom Park.
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