Nalanda Buddhist Society

21 November 2015

The passing of Ven. Dr. Dhammadinna

Life is impermanent indeed.  Venerable Dr. Dhammadinna Thero, a resident bhikkhu at the Buddhist Māha Vihāra Kuala Lumpur and a disciple of the late Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda, passed away on Friday, 20 November in Malacca.  20 Nalandians led by President Sis. Evelyn attended the wake service to pay respects to the late venerable.

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18 November 2015

Light of Dhamma within us

On Tuesday 10 November, Bro. Tan gave a Dhamma talk in conjunction with Deepavali and the visit by members of Firefly Mission Singapore.  Bro. Tan said that Deepavali is celebrated as the Festival of Lights; but there must also be a ‘Light of Dhamma’ within us.  It is a ‘guiding light’ which we can depend on to help ourselves and others.

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16 November 2015

‘Sangha Day’ celebrated with joy

‘Sangha Day’ at Nalanda Centre yesterday was a joyous occasion and celebrated with much gratitude and reverence for monks and nuns who played a vital role in the preservation of Buddha-Sāsanā.   Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan said in his talk, “Today we have the Buddha’s teachings because it has been passed down through generations of monks, nuns and lay people, and for that we are forever grateful.”

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14 November 2015

Paris – Our hearts pain for you

On Friday, 13 November, groups of terrorists dastardly launched attacks on multiple locations in Paris, killing more than 127 people and injuring almost 200 others.  We strongly condemn this cowardly murder of innocent victims.  Those terrorists and their groups are beyond inhumane.  No cause, no matter how great they imagine it to be, allows people the right to kill others in revenge and hatred.

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12 November 2015

Venerable Aggacitta visits Nalanda

On Wednesday 4 November, Nalandians were honoured to welcome Venerable Aggacitta Māha Thero on his visit to Nalanda Centre.  Ayasma Aggacitta is a highly-regarded Dhamma teacher and the Abbot of Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary (SBS) in Taiping, Perak.

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11 November 2015

Mental clarity and mindfulness

On Sunday 1 November, Venerable  Ayya Susīlā gave a Dhamma talk on ‘Mindfulness and daily meditation practice’.   The topic is a popular request, even among devotees overseas.  Ayya Susīlā gave the definition of mindfulness, sati, as “keeping the mind in the present moment.  When we keep our minds in the present moment, our minds are clear”.

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10 November 2015

Have a joyful Deepavali

‘Deepavali’ (or ‘Diwali’ ) celebrates the symbolic triumph of goodness over evil; and the victory of knowledge over ignorance.  Just as light dispels darkness, even so, wisdom dispels foolishness. On this festive occasion, Nalanda Buddhist Society wishes our Hindu friends a “Joyous Deepavali” filled with amity, harmony, and peace!  Enjoy a wonderful celebration with family and friends, and discover a ‘world of brightness and light’ in others, and within ourselves.

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5 November 2015

Youths organise Dāna for venerables

On Saturday 17 October, Nalandian youths organised a lunch dāna for two venerable monks from Sentul Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple who had been invited to go on Nalanda’s monthly educational ‘Pindacāra’ (alms-round) in Seri Kembangan.  Although this was the first time the youths were taking on the responsibility, they were eager to put into practice what they had learned in the Youth Centre.

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4 November 2015

Visit by Appamādaviharī Committee Members

On Saturday 31 October, Venerable Ayya Susīlā and Appamādaviharī Meditation Centre Committee Members from Penang visited Nalanda Centre on a familiarisation tour. They were warmly greeted by Nalandians who made them welcome and gladly took them around the centre.  Ayya Susīlā and the visitors then met with senior Nalanda officers for a genial discussion on the Society’s operations and educational activities.

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3 November 2015

A verb named “Me”

“The Verb is Me” was the interesting Dhamma talk given by Achariya Tan Siang Chye on Service Sunday, 25 October.  He explained that humans exist because they are constantly changing, vibrating and moving.  In reality, humans are ‘verbs and not nouns’.

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