On Sunday 12 July, devotees were delighted to have Nalanda Founder, Bro. Tan’s presence during the morning Service. He gave a short teaching on the significance of taking refuge in the ‘Three Jewels’. Bro. Tan also advised us on how we can protect ourselves by being mindful and having disciplined thoughts.
Read moreOn Wednesday 8 July, devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre for meditation practice and learning together with like-minded friends. After the sitting session, Sis. Buddhini gave a Dhamma sharing on “The Two Kinds of Thoughts” quoting ‘Majjhima Nikāya’ (MN.19) – “Dvedhavitakka Sutta”. She concluded the sharing by emphasising an instruction from the Buddha to monks – “meditate, bhikkhus, do not delay or else you will regret it later”. Let’s continue to learn the Dhamma and practice with understanding towards liberation from suffering.
Read moreOn Sunday 5 July, Bro. Ananda Fong gave an informative talk quoting Anguttara Nikāya (AN. 3.65) – “Kālāma Sutta” and Majjhima Nikāya (MN.56) – “Upali Sutta”. From the “Kālāma Sutta” we learnt not to simply believe and to abandon qualities that lead to harm and suffering. We are encouraged to meditate and practice the four Brahmavihāra.
Read moreToday marks the first anniversary of the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over Ukrainian airspace, while on a routine flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur on 17 July 2014. All 298 people on board perished in the tragedy. The great loss of lives from this horrific incident is still felt by many people.
Read moreNalanda Buddhist Society wishes our Muslim friends ‘Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri’ as they celebrate the arrival of Syawal tomorrow. It is a wonderful time for family gatherings and for celebrating gratitude and forgiveness.
Read moreAll members of Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia registered at Sri Serdang Headquarters are requested to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting (E.G.M.) called by the Board of Management, to be held on 26 July 2015 (Sunday), 2.00 pm, at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang for updates on the Society’s future development plans.
Read moreOn Saturday 27 June, Nalanda Centre was indeed honoured by the visit of Venerable Sayadaw Nyanapurnik Maha Thera from Nepal. He was accompanied by Venerable Gavesi, Venerable Sayalay Cini, President of Selangor Buddhist Vipassana Meditation Society Bro. Lim Boon Hang, and several devotees. The venerables and devotees were warmly welcomed by Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan, Director of Nalanda Centre Sis. Nandini and other officers.
Read moreOn Saturday 20 June, Nalanda’s monthly ‘Pindacāra’ (monks going on alms-round) Programme was joyfully held at Seri Kembangan market. The ‘Pindacāra’ was well-attended by local devotees and our ‘kalyana mitta’ (spiritual friends) from Singapore. It was indeed an enriching experience for them to participate in this wholesome activity. May the merits accrued be shared with all beings. Sadhu anumodana!
Read moreFrom 19 to 21 June, Nalanda Youth Centre was honoured to host the vibrant youth and their mentors from the Buddhist Fellowship of Singapore for their annual retreat. Our Singaporean friends had several inspiring and fruitful ‘Dhamma Chat’ sessions with Nalanda Founder, Bro. Tan who guided them on Buddhist Leadership which also benefited the Nalandian youths. There was an interactive session among the youth to exchange views and ideas on the programme of their respective Youth Centre.
Read moreWe are happy to announce that the popular Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ (FFF) will be held again this year on Sunday, 9 August, from 9am to 5pm. The ‘Family Fun Fair’ is held in aid of our ‘Education & Development Fund’. Proceeds from the Fair will be channelled to support educational programmes of Nalanda Free School, Nalanda Institute, Dharma School, Library and Youth Centre.
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