Today marks the 150th day since the Nalanda Centre Building Expansion Project began. The new roof structure was installed last week, and work is progressing well on all levels. The Building Committee is working hard to ensure the earlier hand-over of Levels 2 and 3 so as to facilitate the hosting of major upcoming events such as “Sangha Day”, holiday camps, and members’ convention.
Read moreToday marks 7 months since the mysterious disappearance of MH370 over the Indian Ocean on 8 March, with 239 people on board. Let us spare a moment in quiet reflection to honour the victims and their loved ones. As today is a Full-moon Uposatha Day, we cordially invite you to join us at Nalanda Centre for Pūja, meditation, and Dhamma-sharing. Let us generate thoughts of mettā (loving kindness) and compassion to the grieving families of the passengers and crew. May they be at Peace.
On Sunday 28 September, Bro. Ooi Chin Chye and Sis. Teh Soo Tyng, Manager of “Eastern Horizon” Buddhist magazine, visited Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang. They were warmly received by Nalanda’s Honorary Secretary Sis. Buddhinī and Nalanda officers.
Read moreTomorrow (Wednesday, 8 October) is the full-moon day of ‘Assayuja’ month, which marks the end of the 3-month annual ‘Vassana’ (‘Rains Retreat’) period for Theravada monks. We will observe this auspicious occasion at Nalanda Centre with Pūja (offerings to the ‘Three Jewels’), meditation, and Dhamma-sharing. We cordially invite everyone to join us for this Uposatha Day Service starting at 8.00 pm. All are welcome!
Read moreOn Sunday 28 September, devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre to attend the Memorial Pūja in conjunction with the 1st anniversary of the passing of the most Venerable Prof. Kakkapalliye Anuruddha Nayaka Thero and Acharya Satya Narayan Goenka. The late Ven. Anuruddha was one of Founder Bro. Tan’s teachers.
Read moreNalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia proudly presents an original musical produced by Han Production – “Xuan Zang Journey to the West” 《玄奘西游音乐剧》 – which will be performed on 1 November at Istana Budaya, Kuala Lumpur.
Read moreOn Tuesday 23 September, Venerable Sujatha Thero, Abbot of Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple in Woodstock, Illinois, USA, came to Nalanda Centre on a familiarisation visit. He was accompanied by Venerables Indarathana and Srirathana. The visiting Sangha members were warmly received by Nalandian officers including host Bro. Pee Che Yong, who brought the venerables on a tour of Nalanda Centre and Youth Centre.
Read moreOn 21 September, Dato’ Seri Dr. Victor Wee gave a Dhamma talk during Service Sunday on ‘Mettā’ (Loving kindness) at Nalanda Centre. Dr. Victor Wee spoke about ways to develop loving-kindness in daily life. The essence of ‘Mettā’ is universal friendliness; it is developing kindness towards all beings without discriminating between the liked and disliked. Anger on the other hand, is a destructive emotion and the opposite of ‘Mettā’.
Read moreToday marks the 140th day since the Nalanda Centre Building Expansion Project began. Work is progressing smoothly on all levels, especially at Level 4 and the roof structure. The Building Committee has indicated that Levels 2 & 3 may be completed earlier and handed over to Nalanda by mid-October. This timely development will come in handy as Nalanda Centre will be hosting major events in the last quarter of the year, such as “Sangha Day”, holiday camps, members’ convention, and group visits. Read more
On Sunday 21 September, Nalanda Buddhist Society members from Sri Serdang and Kuala Lumpur Branch gathered for a ‘family’ reunion at our ‘spiritual home’ – Nalanda Centre – for another Members’ Day. The gathering started with a piece of good news – our youths’ effort in producing a video titled ‘Hope’ for Siddharthan Care Centre won the best short film category in a recent competition. The inspiring video was shown to Nalandians, and everyone rejoiced at the achievement of Bro. Andrew Tan, Bro. Gan Jia Cheng and Sis. Tan Ee Yean. Read more