On Saturday 4 January, Nalanda received a visit by Ven. Neishu from Kegon Japanese School in Tōdaiji, Japan. The venerable bhikshuni (Buddhist nun) who was accompanied by several lay devotees was brought on a tour of Nalanda Centre by Sis. Nandini. Ven. Neishu expressed her joy in visiting Nalanda Centre with its aesthetic design and peaceful ambience. She was also happy to learn about the dynamic development of Buddhism in Malaysia. Before leaving, the venerable thanked Sis. Nandini and Nalandians for their kind hospitality.
Read moreWe are pleased to announce the launching of Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia’s new multimedia channel – Nalanda TV.
Read more2013 had been an enriching year for Nalanda. We at Nalanda would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation for your fervent support towards Nalanda’s education mission. We are hopeful that 2014 will ride on the growth that we experienced in 2013; we look ahead to another year of reaching out and enriching lives. We wish you and your family good health, happiness, and peace. Happy New Year 2014!
Read moreOn Saturday 28 December, a group of Nalandians participated in “24-hour Metta – Illuminating the World with Metta” event at Samadhi Vihara, Shah Alam to radiate loving kindness for world peace, stability and harmony. The Nalandian team was led by Deputy President, Bro Lee Teck Beng.
Read moreOn Sunday 22 December, Nalandians and devotees were privileged to attend a talk by Dr. Phang Cheng Kar, a practising psychiatrist and a popular Dharma speaker. The title of his talk was ‘Managing the 8 Winds of Change with Equanimity’. In his introduction, Dr. Phang mentioned that all men are subjected to 4 desirable conditions, Gain (labho), Fame (yaso), Praise (pasamsa), and Happiness (sukha), as well as 4 undesirable conditions namely, Loss (alabho), Defame (ayaso), Blame (ninda), and Unhappiness (dukkha). Read more
Nine years ago today, on 26 December 2004, a massive earthquake off Sumatra triggered a Tsunami that swept across 14 countries and killed a quarter million people. It was among the worst natural disasters in human history. But the aftermath of the tragedy saw an outpouring of compassion and donation, which brought out the best aspects of humanity.
Read moreNalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia offers our felicitations and best wishes to our Christian friends this Christmas! Have a wholesome celebration with much joy and peace.
Read moreOn Saturday 21 December, Nalanda volunteers and devotees participated in our monthly Pindacāra (monks going on alms-round) at the Jalan Besar morning market in Seri Kembangan. Three venerable monks accepted our invitation to go on alms-round for this last scheduled Pindacāra for 2013. Read more
Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan undertook a 5-day tour to Singapore earlier this month and gave several teachings to various groups, including to members of Buddhist Fellowship, Firefly Mission, undergraduate fellowship, and at the Buddha Dhamma Mandala Society (BDMS). Bro. Tan also visited Ven. H Gunaratana and Ven. B Dhammaratana at the Buddhist Library, as well as Ven. S Dhammika at BDMS. It was a fruitful trip as he was fully engaged with many Dhamma activities.
Read moreOver the last weekend, Nalanda officers gathered at our ‘spiritual home’ in Sri Serdang for a ground-breaking workshop on the ‘Nalanda Education Model’, presented by Founder Bro. H S Tan. The workshop was truly a great learning experience for everyone, especially for teachers, facilitators, and coordinators of Nalanda’s educational programmes.
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