Nalanda Buddhist Society

27 April 2020

An elusive Malayan icon

What animal is black and white, weighs up to 300 kg, lives in the jungles of Asia, and is not a Giant Panda?  It is ‘Tapirus indicus’ – or commonly known as the Malayan Tapir.  This inhabitant of our lowland jungles is the largest of 4 species of tapirs in the world, and the only one found in Asia.

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26 April 2020

How artworks convey Buddha’s great wisdom

In this period of great upheaval for humanity, the deep serenity and tranquility of the Buddha’s image provides solace, hope and peace to troubled minds.  We share with you an article published by CNN on 23 April 2020, titled “These ancient images of the Buddha are more timely than you think”.

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25 April 2020

Thank you for the loving-kindness

Dear friends, all of us at Nalanda Buddhist Society would like to thank Bro.Tan for his excellent, insightful, and clear explanation of the Karanīya Mettā Sutta over the past 5 nights on “Facebook Live”.  We have the great pleasure of listening to this uplifting discourse of the Buddha presented in such simple and direct manner that every word speaks deeply to us!  Thank you Bro.Tan, for your kindness in sharing it with us.

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24 April 2020

Welcoming Ramadhan & Vesakhā

Today marks the start of Ramadhan fasting month for Muslims around the world.  Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islamic faith, but it means more than not consuming food and drinks during the day.  The purpose of the fast is to cleanse the mind from sensual desires and worldly cravings; it is a time of spiritual reflection for the purpose of purifying oneself.

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23 April 2020

New-moon of Vesakhā month

Today is the New-moon Uposatha Day of the holy Vesakhā Month.  That means we are just two weeks away from the most important day in the Buddhist calendar – the Vesakhā Full-moon ‘Buddha Day’, also known as ‘Wesak Day’ in Malaysia.

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22 April 2020

Please make everyday ‘Earth Day’

Today, we observe the 50th anniversary of ‘Earth Day Celebration’ in a subdued mood due to the ravaging Coronavirus pandemic.  The world is sick; millions of people are under quarantine, and billions more are confined to their dwellings.  So instead of going outdoors to plant trees, we are left to do what we can for Mother Earth from our homes.

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21 April 2020

Voice that calms and guides a nation

Every afternoon, anxious Malaysians tune in to their TVs to watch the daily official briefing on the country’s Covid-19 situation.  Standing behind the podium with unassuming composure and speaking with a calming voice is the Director-General of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Noor Hisham.  He has been a daily fixture at the press briefings since the Coronavirus epidemic took a serious turn in Malaysia.

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20 April 2020

Mettā Sutta course begins today

This evening, we will begin the on-line learning of the Karanīya Mettā Sutta, one of the most popular discourses in the Pāli Canon.  Join us in studying the sutta in 5 lessons from 20th to 24th April, where we get to learn how to read the original Pāli-language verses, and what every word in the sutta means.

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17 April 2020

Learn the Mettā Sutta Online

The Karaniya Mettā Sutta is one of the most popular discourses of the Buddha.  Many Buddhists must have heard it recited in temples and at homes for blessings.  However the discourse also contains very deep and insightful teachings which can strengthen our Dhamma practice.

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15 April 2020

Cultivate the mind to be really safe

Today, we are beginning the third phase of the ‘Movement Control Order’ in Malaysia which will last until 28 April.  Since 18 March, the whole country has effectively come to a halt with very few economic activities, and no physical social and religious gatherings allowed at all.  Despite our best efforts, the number of infections is still trickling upwards every day.  Perhaps a more determined testing regime and earlier isolation of potential patients are measures which the authorities should take seriously.

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