Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 20

23 February 2014

Great fun learning Dhamma for NS Trainees

It was another fruitful outing for 54 National Service (NS) trainees who attended Service Sunday at Nalanda Centre on 16 February.  Their arrival was warmly greeted by Nalanda youths, who have for the past two months organised a series of interesting activities which aimed at sharing basic Dhamma knowledge with the trainees.

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11 February 2014

Workshop for Nalanda Masters of Ceremony

On Sunday 9 February, an in-house ‘Emceeing & Facilitating Skills’ training for Nalanda officers was held at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  The training was conducted by Mr. T. P. Lim, a well-known TV host and emcee in Malaysia.  Also participating was Mr. Ryan Thoo, a young professional emcee, who shared his emceeing experience with Nalandians.

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10 February 2014

Nalanda Dharma School “Tea Ceremony”

Article by Lim Yee Wan  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Sunday 9 February, Nalanda Dharma School (NDS) organised a traditional “Tea Ceremony” at Nalanda Centre in conjunction with the Lunar New Year.  The purpose for the ceremony was for children to express gratitude towards their parents.  It was indeed heart-warming to see children bowing reverentially to their parents and hugging them, showing much gratitude and appreciation for their parents’ love, care and sacrifice.

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25 January 2014

Briefing for Volunteer Teachers at NEO Centre JB

On Sunday 19 January, a briefing session was organized for would-be volunteer teachers of Nalanda Free School (NFS) at NEO Centre Johor Bahru.  A dozen teachers have so far volunteered to teach a range of language and mathematics classes starting in March 2014.

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12 January 2014

Inaugural General Meeting of Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch

Nalanda Buddhist Society Kuala Lumpur Branch held its inaugural General Meeting of members (AGM) on 11 January, at Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centre in Happy Garden.  The pivotal agenda of this AGM was the election of the Branch Management Committee for 2014 – 2016.  Nalandians voted for a set of leaders that retained the key offices of Chairman and Deputy Chairman.  The whole election proceeded joyfully.

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