Nalanda Dhamma School

26 November 2014

Dharma School Facilitators’ Induction Programme

Report by Lim Jie Sheng

The year may be coming to an end soon but Nalanda Dharma School facilitators are surely looking forward and ready for 2015!  On Saturday 8 November, 11 current and new Dharma School volunteers gathered at Nalanda Centre for a Facilitators’ Induction Programme.  The Director of Dharma School, Sis. Sunanda Ong conducted the session with the aim of acquainting new volunteers with the School’s objectives, approach and motto.  Through ice-breaking activities, the initial silence of awkwardness transitioned to laughter and joy among the volunteers.

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25 October 2014

Spending Deepavali Holiday Wholesomely

While youngsters nowadays relish at the prospect of ‘sleeping in’ on a public holiday, many Nalanda youths and Dharma School students answered the call to service instead on the recent Deepavali public holiday.  The young Nalandians got up early on Wednesday, and arrived at Nalanda Centre ready to do clean-up.  The ‘cleaning session’ was called by the office to tidy up Levels 2 and 3 in preparation for many upcoming activities at the end of October.

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9 October 2014

‘Mindful’ Trip to Putrajaya

On Sunday 28 September, Nalanda Dharma School students went on a trip to Taman Putra Perdana, Putrajaya, to practise meditation outdoors.  Students started the day with chanting, followed by light physical exercise; they were then ready for meditation.  Students were introduced to ‘walking meditation’, using their movement as meditation ‘object’.  After the walking session, they continued with another round of sitting meditation.

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18 August 2014

‘Garuda Gardeners’ spruce up Nalanda House

Over the past few weekends, many Nalanda Dharma School students stayed over at Nalanda Centre to assist in the upcoming ‘FAMILY FUN FAIR’ preparations.  Our cheerful students also helped to tidy up the Centre to welcome thousands of visitors anticipated during the Fun Fair.  Last weekend, it was Garuda House members’ turn to stay over.  Besides performing many other chores, the students spruced up the garden at Nalanda House and returned it to its lovely pristine state.  Thank you and anumodana, “Garuda Gardeners”!

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6 August 2014

Parents-Facilitators’ Meeting at NEO Centre KL

On Sunday 20 July, Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch Junior Dharma School held a fruitful parents-facilitators’ meeting.  This first formal meeting between the parents and facilitators of Nalanda Junior Dharma School (JDS) aimed at achieving better understanding of the School’s unique educational philosophy.  It also intended to update parents on their children’s progress over the past six months.

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29 July 2014

Visit by Maha Karuna Buddhist Society

On Sunday 13 July, a bus-load of Maha Karuna Buddhist Society (MKBS) members and their Dhamma School students paid a learning-visit to Nalanda Centre.  The visitors arrived early in the morning and joined in the ‘Dhamma Day’ Service Sunday with pūja, chanting, and meditation.  Everyone felt happy listening to an insightful Dhamma talk by Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan, and thereafter performed Sanghika Dāna (lunch offering to monks).

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20 July 2014

Junior Dharma School Stay-in Programme

Report by Tan Jee Jian

On 5 and 6 July, 27 Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch Junior Dharma School students between the ages of 9 and 12 years old stayed-in at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  The objectives of the stay-in were to foster bonding among facilitators and students, to learn Buddhist culture and chanting, as well as to involve parents in rendering service to the Buddhist community. Read more

12 July 2014

Fruitful Dharma School Parents-Facilitators Meeting

On Sunday 29 June, Nalanda Dharma School (NDS) successfully organised the Parents-Facilitators meeting at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  The meeting aimed to promote better relationship and understanding between parents and facilitators, and was conducted with much joy by Sis. Sunanda Ong, the Director of NDS.  She reported on the School’s progress in the past six months through an inspiring video sharing, and its plans for the coming semester.

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9 July 2014

Teenagers’ Learning Camp in Johor Bahru

Report by Lee Hui Yean  |  Photographs by Wong Yee Sheng

The nuance of ‘gratitude’ was perceptible at the recent Nalanda Teenagers’ Learning Camp in Johor Bahru.  Through many activities during the 4-day camp, the value of ‘gratitude’ was evidently ingrained among the 60 young participants.

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8 July 2014

Joyful Teenagers’ Learning Camp in Johor Bahru

Report by Lee Hui Yean  |  Photographs by Wong Yee Sheng

It proved a busy but fruitful school holiday last month for facilitators and students of Nalanda Dharma School, as they traversed from Selangor to Johor and Kelantan to organize learning camps for teenagers.

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