Nalanda Dhamma School

23 May 2021

“When we cultivate the Dhamma, we can see the Buddha”

Nalanda Junior Dhamma School presents to you “The Buddha and Me”, a video by our young students relating their own experiences in learning Dhamma.  We invite you to watch this heart-warming production of their candid responses on what they know about the Buddha and how they put His Teachings into practice.

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21 May 2021

Come visit ‘Buddha Jayanti’ virtual exhibition

Nalanda Dhamma School’s “Buddha Jayanti” Exhibition is back online with the sequel ‘Happy Mind Happy Life 2’!  Organised every year in conjunction with ‘Buddha Day’, this year’s exhibition at  features a collection of ‘stop-motion’ animations to engage children and teenagers in learning and reflecting on Dhamma.

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9 December 2020

Dhamma School “Appreciation Day”

On 8 November 2020, Nalanda Dhamma School held its “Appreciation Day” with over 130 facilitators and students on 'Zoom', the on-line venue for most classes this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  The session was filled with gratitude over the commitment and effort that all facilitators, parents and students put in to ensure a smooth Dhamma learning experience continues every week despite the institution of the Movement Control Order (MCO) in mid-March.

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4 May 2020

Creative videos on mental well-being

The Buddha’s teaching is centred upon understanding suffering and overcoming it.  For this ‘Buddha Day’, Nalanda Dhamma School students came up with a creative “virtual exhibition” using Doodle Art targeted at children and teenagers.  Themed “Happy Mind Happy Life”, the exhibition aims to promote mental well-being, and offer tips on how to develop our minds to a healthier state.

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12 February 2020

Joy of Gratitude at ‘Tea-offering Ceremony’

Last Sunday 9 February, devotees, volunteers and Dhamma School students gathered at Nalanda Centre to participate in the “Tea-offering Ceremony” and Gratitude Day.  This annual tradition is hosted by Nalanda Dhamma School and is an opportunity for us to express our appreciation to our parents, teachers and elders for their support and care.

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4 February 2020

Dhamma School alumni and youths return to their spiritual home

In the past two weeks, Nalanda Dhamma School alumni and youths studying and working overseas have been visiting Nalanda Centre to pay their respects to teachers and reunite with good friends.  Most of them had travelled back to Malaysia for their semester breaks and holidays in conjunction with the Lunar New Year.  Nalandians joyfully welcomed them back to their spiritual home and exchanged the latest news.

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3 January 2020

Celebrating 15 years of holistic education

On 1 January 2020, Nalanda Dhamma School celebrated its 15th anniversary with utmost gratitude to our founder, Bro. Tan, and all benefactors for their selfless support.  Since its inception, the School has focussed its efforts in performing the ‘Miracle of Education’, with the theme ‘The Heart of Education is Education of the Heart’ as its guiding philosophy.

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3 January 2020

Gratitude at Dhamma School Honours Day

On 31 December 2019, Nalanda Dhamma School facilitators, students and their parents, alumni, volunteers and guests gathered at Nalanda Centre for the annual School Appreciation and Honours Day.  This annual event celebrates the learning and progress of students throughout the year, and also serves to give thanks to teachers and parents who supported their learning.

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1 January 2020

Happy 15th Anniversary to Nalanda Dhamma School

The School started here in Sri Serdang with 40 students on 2 January 2005, in a small house previously known as Nalanda House just across the road.  The name “Nalanda” means ‘the giving of knowledge and wisdom’.  Hence the School aims to continue the noble tradition of providing quality and holistic education to the younger generation of Buddhists, by imparting them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and most importantly, religious and moral values.

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31 December 2019

Dhamma School celebrations tonight and tomorrow

For the past weeks, Nalanda Dhamma School facilitators and students have been preparing for their event of the year – the Dhamma School Appreciation and Honours Day.  Join us at 7pm tonight 31 December as facilitators, students and parents come together to express their appreciation for the dedication and commitment to learn Dhamma, and to celebrate the contributions and progress made by students.

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