Past Events

14 May 2012

Teenagers’ Learning Camp

Aimed at imparting a joyful learning spirit in teenagers as well as strengthening their desire to seek knowledge, a 4-day 3-night camp themed “Joy of Learning” was held during the school holidays in Nalanda Centre. A myriad of activities such as challenging station games, mind-blowing ‘detective hunt’, captivating dharma talks and group discussions had successfully fired up their enthusiasm to learn more!

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13 May 2012

Service Sunday on Mother’s Day

The topic of today's Service Sunday Dhamma talk was, "A Buddhist Reflects on Learning".  Dr. Phang spoke on how one ought to approach learning - with an open mind like that of a beginner's - free from preconceptual ideas and willing to explore.  When we learn something new, we should also be happy to share it with others and spread the benefits. Rejoice when other people learn from our learnings!

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13 May 2012

Children’s Learning Camp

Being “farmer-for-a-day” was a humbling yet invigorating experience for some 46 children aged 9 to 12 during an outing organized by Nalanda Dharma School, which was part of a 3-day children’s learning camp.

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12 May 2012

Monthly Dhamma Discussion

After lunch, the participants went to Pustaka Nalanda for the sharing and discussion on "The Three Jewels (Part 1)".

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2 May 2012

9th ‘Nalanda Day’

1 May 2012

1 May is designated ‘Nalanda Day’; it marks the 9th anniversary of Nalanda’s founding.  On this day, Nalandians congregated for morning devotion at the Shrine Hall, before gathering in the Srivijaya Hall, where important Society events are usually held.

Among the many significant ‘news’ for the day were the launchings of Nalanda’s revised website, our new uniform, our first vehicle – a reconditioned, used-van generously donated by Mr. Chan Fong, and “Nalanda-Macro” – an important document outlining Nalanda’s Transformation Programme and our organizational goals for the next one year.

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28 April 2012

True Significance of WESAK

In conjunction with the upcoming Wesak Day, Mr. Vijaya Samarawickrama, the Director of Nalanda Institute, conducted a 3-hour course on the "True Significance of WESAK", which aimed to better inform Buddhists on the right spirit and understanding of celebrating Wesak.

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15 April 2012

Service Sunday & Wesak Preparation

15 April 2012

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15 March 2012

Gardening Day

Their faces say it all – the gratifying beatitude that comes naturally with their responsibilities as leaders of Nalanda’s three main divisions: (Uncle) Vijaya (middle) who helms Nalanda Institute; Sis. Sunanda, the Director of Nalanda Dharma School; and Bro. Ananda Fong (left) who heads Pustaka Nalanda. These three “pillars” of Nalanda gathered for a ceremonial planting at Nalanda Centre on a bright and sunny day. The next Gardening Day is scheduled on Sunday, 1 April, to spruce up Nalanda's surrounding in welcoming Wesak Day.

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10 March 2012

New Year Dāna & Sharing

A dialogue session with Venerable Man Ya marked the first Service Sunday for 2012. Four representatives from different age groups, namely retirees, working adults, parents and children, discussed the topic "Promoting Social Harmony in Our Daily Lives".

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1 March 2012

Nalanda Walkathon

Walk for Education 2012! More than 300 participants turned up at Bukit Jalil Recreation Park on a crisp Sunday morning on 4 March to take part in Nalanda Walkathon – "Walk for Education 2012!" This time around, there were more group participation from schools, private companies and local council staff members. One out-station participant, an undergraduate from Perak, even arrived the night before and slept under a canopy in the Park!

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