Pustaka Nalanda

11 April 2014

New book by Ajahn Jayasaro at Pustaka Nalanda

On Saturday 5 April, President of Buddhadasa Indapañño Archives Dr. Bunchar Pongpanich presented Nalanda Library with precious copies of “WITHOUT and WITHIN – Questions and Answers on the Teachings of Theravāda Buddhism”, in conjunction with Bro. Tan’s visit to Bangkok.  The book authored by Phra Ajahn Jayasaro is a collection of 150 questions and answers on Theravāda teachings on various subjects such as the Three Jewels, Buddhist attitudes, and the Path of Practice.

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30 March 2014

New Youth Library ready for use

For the past few weeks, Pustaka Nalanda librarians have been busy cataloging and arranging books at the new Youth Library located at Level 3 of Nalanda Youth Centre**.  Before this, the Youth Library temporarily occupied ‘Sucinta Room’, which will now house the Chinese Books Section instead.

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6 March 2014

Ajahn Chah Book Series at Pustaka Nalanda

On Wednesday 5 March, Pustaka Nalanda (Library) received the latest set of Chinese translations on the Teachings of Ajahn Chah, published by Dhammavamsa Publications.  The late Venerable Ajahn Chah (1918 – 1992) was a well-known Buddhist teacher in the Thai forest tradition.  He gathered around him a large cluster of disciples and students – Thai and foreigners alike – who have since propagated the Dhamma to the far corners of the world.

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5 September 2013

Ajahn Buddhadasa Commemoration Programme – Meditation & Dhamma Talk

On Wednesday, 4 September 2013, Pustaka Nalanda invited Bro. H S Tan to conduct a special meditation session and deliver a Dhamma Talk as part of the on-going Ajahn Buddhadasa Commemoration Programme.  Quoting several discourses from the Anguttara Nikaya, Bro. Tan spoke about the qualities of an 'elder in the Dhamma'.  One is reckoned an 'elder in the Dhamma' not by seniority in years; rather it is by the degree of virtue, true understanding of the teachings, meditative attainments, and penetrative wisdom.

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1 September 2013

Nalanda commemorates Ajahn Buddhadasa

Nalanda Buddhist Society’s Ajahn Buddhadasa Commemoration Programme began at 9.00am today with meditation, pūja and chanting at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  Director of Nalanda Library Bro. Ananda Fong introduced the programme to the congregation in his opening remarks.  Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan then stated the purpose of this event, which is to introduce more inspiring Buddhist teachers to the Malaysian Buddhist community.

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23 August 2013

Nalanda presented with Master Hsing Yun’s books

On 4 August 2013, Nalanda was honoured to be among the recipients of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s 16-volume set of new publications, which were published to mark the Venerable’s 75th anniversary of monkhood.

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25 April 2013

The forerunner of Pustaka Nalanda

The Mudita Library was declared open by the Late Ven. K Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Thero in July 2000, in conjunction with Asalha month observance.  It was at that time the first and only Buddhist library in Serdang. Bro.Tan had donated his entire collection of Dhamma books to start the library, and with further donations and acquisitions, the collection reached almost 2,000 books after one year.

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23 March 2013

“The Present”

I always have the perspective that "Now" is the best gift ever, and Spencer Johnson made it more obvious.   For instance, Spencer wrote something about "being in the present, pay attention to what is important now, enjoy the moment" which was reflected on the young boy in his story.  He realized that his work was getting easier bit by bit by just focusing on the task at the moment.

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10 March 2013

“A Buddhist Reflects on Spirituality”

When we speak of spirituality, people often relate it to religion.  However, spirituality is more than that; it is a whole manner of living often to reduce one’s dependence on materialism, so as to gain ultimate happiness.  Buddhism is not about mere beliefs or blind faith, but is often touted as a way of life.  It emphasizes the gradual, incremental practice of generosity, morality, and mental cultivation, whereby the practitioner overcomes ignorance by wisdom.

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17 January 2013

Wayang Kulit Learning Workshop

In addition to the story-telling workshop series, Mr. Vijaya Samarawickrama also imparted his knowledge and skill of the precious Asian theatre widely known as wayang kulit. In this first session of the wayang kulit learning workshop held on 12 January, participants were taught the knowledge of ancient wayang kulit techniques as well as the skills of producing a puppet befitting a wayang kulit performance.

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