Celebrate ‘Earth Day’ at Nalanda Centre

Celebrate ‘Earth Day’ at Nalanda Centre

To commemorate Earth Day at Nalanda Centre, join us this Sunday to upkeep our surrounding neighbourhood and “Taman Sari Nandanavana”, a community gardening initiative started in 2009 to green and beautify our environment.  Through the years, volunteers have planted trees and flowering shrubs in this ‘garden of joyful delight’, enhancing the surroundings of Nalanda Centre and K. Sri Dhammananda Centre.

We invite you and your loved ones to come together for this ‘gotong-royong’ to extend our care and love for the world in which we live.  Programme for the day is as follows

9.00 am – Meditation, Offerings & Chanting

9.20 am – Dhamma Learning

10.00 am – Gotong-royong

12.00 pm – Tree Planting

12.30 pm – Lunch

1.00 pm – End

Kindly wear suitable outdoor attire (with long pants), including a cap. You may bring an extra set of clothes to change after the gotong-royong. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.  All are welcome.