1 January 2025 marks the 20th anniversary of Nalanda Dhamma School. Over the past two decades, the School has continued the noble tradition of providing high quality and holistic education to the younger generation of Buddhists, by imparting them with the essential knowledge, skills, and most importantly religious and moral values.
On this special occasion, we extend our deepest appreciation to everyone past and present who has contributed to this remarkable milestone. To the facilitators who have tirelessly performed the “Miracle of Education”, to Nalanda’s Management and all members of the community who provided their unrelenting support, to parents for their continuous trust and cooperation, and to the students who embarked on this fulfilling journey together – Thank you!
We hope that all the students of the Dhamma School from past and present keep the lessons you have learnt close to your hearts. May the Dhamma continue to be your guide in navigating personal challenges and finding deeper purpose in life.