The forum was a delightful opportunity for the congregation to pose questions and get inspiration from the panel of seasoned speakers.
On Sunday 2 July, a special Dhamma Forum was organised to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Nalanda Institute Malaysia. The speakers at the forum included Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama, Nalanda founder Bro. Tan, Achariya Tan Siang Chye, Datuk Seri Dr. Victor Wee, Datuk Charlie Chia, Bro. Ananda Fong, and Sis. Paruadi Ramasamy.
The Dhamma teaching hall was filled with local devotees and overseas friends. The forum provided an invaluable opportunity to learn from the panel of seven experienced and distinguished Dhamma speakers. There were many thought-provoking questions as earnest devotees seek clarification regarding spiritual practice.
Chairman of Nalanda Education Team Achariya S. Vijaya inviting the panel members to respond to questions from the audience.
It was inspiring to hear personal anecdotes from the panelists on their own spiritual journeys and Dhamma work. The forum itself was a rare fruitful gathering for the Buddhist community, which augurs well for the growth of Buddha-Sāsana in Malaysia. May we progress as a united community for the benefit of many. Sādhu ānumodanā!