Celebrating Nalanda’s 20th Anniversary today

Celebrating Nalanda’s 20th Anniversary today

Message from the President of Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia

Namo Buddhaya and Happy Nalanda Day!

On this joyous occasion of our 20th Anniversary, Nalanda Buddhist Society extends our deepest appreciation and gratitude to all past and present spiritual teachers, leaders, members, volunteers, donors, benefactors, and Dhamma friends in Malaysia and abroad for your relentless support to Nalanda’s educational mission over the past years.

It is by virtue of your selfless support that we have been unhindered in offering hundreds of Dhamma programmes every year for children, youths and adults to open their hearts and minds to the Buddha’s noble teachings, and gradually transform to be more happy, compassionate, peaceful and wise.

The theme of our anniversary is “Making Lives More Meaningful”.  It is a narrative of our work over the past 20 years in providing holistic education, facilitating personal spiritual development, and joyful propagation of Buddha-Dhamma.  It is also our aspiration to ennoble ourselves with the sublime Dhamma, and uplift others along this arduous path.

We invite you to celebrate and rejoice in all wholesome deeds that everyone accomplished together over the past 20 years.  We are determined to continue our efforts in prolonging the Buddha-Sāsana.  Thank you for being a part of this beautiful and inspiring journey.

Let us continue to make lives more meaningful, one person at a time, starting with ourselves.  May all beings be blessed with peace and happiness, and always be guided by the Dhamma to eventually realise the final bliss of Nibbāna.  Salam mettā to all of you!

Sadhu anumodāna!