Celebrating youthful spiritual friendship

Celebrating youthful spiritual friendship

Gathering of spiritual friends for Mid-Autumn Festival.

Nalanda Youth Centre organised a joyous gathering of spiritual friends in conjunction with the Mid-Autumn Festival.

On Saturday 17 September, Nalanda youths celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival with a joyful gathering of Dhamma friends.  It was made more cheery with their juniors from Nalanda Dhamma School joining in the fun.

The night began with an uplifting Dhamma sharing by Bro. Aggaphala Yap, who spoke about the eight kinds of valuable friends we should seek to have in our lives. Good friends are those who will stand by us, give us the courage needed to persevere in life, as well as giving us the moral support and wise advice to overcome our difficulties.

Youths started the evening with chanting.

The Nalandian youths started the evening with chanting as usual.

Bro. Aggapahala Yap giving a talk on 8 types of friends to have in life.

Bro. Aggapahala Yap giving a talk on 8 types of friends to have in life.

Bro. Aggaphala also said that we should not despair if we do not have such friends in our lives presently.  He urged all of us to cultivate these good qualities ourselves, and to be that ‘good friend’ to those around us.

Friends tucking in at the potluck dinner.

Friends tucking in at the potluck dinner under the bright moon-lit sky at Nalanda House.

The night’s festivity continued with potluck dinner; and after a hearty meal and sing-along, everyone lit their lanterns and went for a walk under the bright mid-autumn moon.  We thank everyone for a night filled with laughter and joyfulness, and we look forward to many more good memories with you on this Dhamma journey together.
