Cheerful visitors from SKE Malacca

Cheerful visitors from SKE Malacca

The SKE group from Malacca came visiting on 7 May.

The Seck Kia Eenh group from Malacca came visiting the Klang Valley on a day trip.

On Saturday 7 May, a large contingent of 55 members, volunteer teachers and Dhamma School students from Seck Kia Eenh (SKE) Temple (or formally known as Malacca Buddhist Association) came to Nalanda Centre for a visit.  The group was on a one-day tour of several Buddhist centres in the Klang Valley, led by the temple’s Deputy President, Associate Professor Tan Kim See.

Arriving by bus in the morning.

Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang was their first stop of the day.

The cheerful Malaccans arrived around 10 am and were warmly received by Nalanda President Sis. Evelyn and other officers.  Nalandian hosts Bro. Tong and Sis. Nandini brought the teachers and students on a tour of the Centre, where interesting Buddhist stories were shared.  The group later met with founder Bro. Tan, who gave a short but inspiring talk to the visitors about different qualities and benefits of worldly education and Dhamma (spiritual) education.

Deputy President Bro. Tan Kim See offering lamp at the Nalanda Centre altar.

Deputy President Bro. Tan Kim See offering lamp at the altar, a custom for visitors to Nalanda Centre.

Bro. Tan sharing the Dhamma with the visitors.

Bro. Tan took time off to share the Dhamma with our Malaccan friends.

After the talk, everyone sat down for a simple lunch at Srivijaya Hall.  Bro. Tan Kim See later presented a donation to Nalanda on behalf of the visitors, which was gratefully accepted by Society President Sis. Evelyn.  The Malaccans were later given an affectionate send-off by Nalandians, after extracting promises from our friends that they will be back to visit again, soon!

We thank the SKE group for paying us a kind visit, and for their support as well.  A group of Nalandians will be returning their visit to attend a workshop in Malacca next month.  May our spiritual friendship and camaraderie continue to grow and flourish!  Sadhu.

A warm send off for our friends.

After lunch, President Sis. Evelyn (partially hidden) and Bro. Tong (right) warmly sending off our SKE friends after a similarly heart-warming welcome earlier in the morning.