Children invited to ‘Family Fun Fair’

Children invited to ‘Family Fun Fair’

Representatives of the sponsor company and Nalanda officers presenting coupons to Siddharthan Care Centre.

Representatives of Kemaman Bitumen Co. and Nalanda officers presented coupons to Siddharthan Care Centre.

We are happy to share that children from Siddharthan Care Centre are again coming to take part in this year’s Nalanda’s ‘Family Fun Fair’.  As part of its CSR Programme, the Kemaman Bitumen Co. Sdn Bhd has kindly offered the home coupons to purchase food, clothes and stationeries at the Fair.  Representatives of the company together with Nalandian officers went to Siddharthan Care Centre to present the coupons on 18 June.

Siddharthan Care Centre is a charity home housing 35 orphaned or disabled children.  The humble facility, which was established in 2008, is located in Taman University, Petaling Jaya.  Since 2014, Nalanda has been helping the Centre with periodic donations and sponsorship recommendations.  This Sunday, we look forward to hosting the lovely children from Siddharthan at Nalanda ‘Fun Fair’ again.

Staff of Kemaman Bitumen Co. Sdn Bhd handing out goodies.

Staff of Kemaman Bitumen Co. Sdn Bhd handing out ‘goodies’ to the children.

Talented children at Siddharthan Care Centre.

Children at Siddharthan Care Centre performing a classical Indian dance to show visitors their talents.