Children’s Learning Camp

Children’s Learning Camp

12 – 14 March 2012

Children’s Learning Camp

Being “farmer-for-a-day” was a humbling yet invigorating experience for some 46 children aged 9 to 12 during an outing organized by Nalanda Dharma School, which was part of a 3-day children’s learning camp.

As they toiled in the green open fields, planting seedlings and then harvesting other crops, the eager participants learnt hands-on the lifefulfilling values of gratitude and appreciation to all.

Children’s Learning Camp

Thank you”, “Please” and “Sorry” were oft-heard expressions and the participants were encouraged to say these magic words throughout the camp. The games that were planned in accordance with the camp’s objective gave a big impact to our young participants, signifying another highly successful camp as the children went home with sweet memories in their minds, and joy in their tender hearts.