Dear friends,
We have taken note of many requests in the past weeks to have a Facebook fanpage in Chinese Language so as to communicate more effectively with the Mandarin-speaking community. We are happy to report that a team of volunteers have agreed to help in establishing and maintaining the Chinese-Language page. The fanpage was launched just a few hours ago, today!
We thank our enthusiastic volunteers for their eagerness to share Dhamma-inspired news with the many. We hope you will enjoy the Chinese-Language version, which may differ slightly from the English-Language page. Watch out for more updates! Thank you.
我们欢迎您游览 Nalanda 中文面子书!此页将给您带来 Nalanda 的近况与活动,还有佛学分享,愿与您共勉之。 感恩合十!
Please click on the link here to visit the Chinese Language Fanpage.