Come join the Heritage Procession

Come join the Heritage Procession

The Nalanda Heritage Procession.

The Nalanda Heritage Procession is a unique showcase of the best of Buddhist traditions.

The ‘Buddha Day’ Heritage Procession at Nalanda is a unique cultural and spiritual experience.  Once a year, the Buddharupam is conveyed on a wooden sedan by traditionally dressed devotees, to the harmonious beating of drums and gongs. Beautifully hand-crafted paraphernalia is carried by devotees holding candle-lights.

The Heritage Procession theme is “Mindful steps, peaceful thoughts – 2,561 steps to spiritual progress!”  This year, for the first time ever, we are most fortunate that the procession will be led by a Buddha Relic, blessing the community in and around Sri Serdang with its sacred presence.

Thousands of devotees participated in the Heritage Procession in 2016.

Archive: Thousands of devotees participate in the Heritage Procession in Sri Serdang every year.

The legacy of processions dates back to the time of Emperor Asoka of the Moriya Dynasty in the 3rd Century BCE.  He initiated the custom of parading through villages in customary attire, and conveying Buddhist icons on a carriage, pausing intermittently for devotees to come closer and learn more about the Buddha’s teachings.

We welcome everyone to participate in this iconic Heritage Procession on Wesak ‘Buddha Day’, 10 May, 7.00pm, beginning at Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang.  Bring along your family and friends to experience the serenity and joy of this event.

Generous devotees offering free food to the public on Wesak Day.

Generous devotees offering free food to the public at Nalanda Centre on Wesak Day.

Just before the start of Heritage Procession, we invite everyone to come and have your free meals at Nalanda Centre in the Mass Food Offering.  Every year, devotees bring along food to share and serve the public out of generosity and humility.  We rejoice in knowing that many who received food years ago are now offering food to the public in return.  All are welcome!