Sis. Ai Li and Bro. Ajit gave an overview of the Communications Centre objectives, as well as its potential growth.
Daily postings on Facebook, Nalanda Bulletin & Website, Dhamma videos & articles and more are all within the purview of the Communications Centre at Nalanda. These mediums reach out to the community with Dhamma content and opportunities to join educational programmes. To strengthen this outreach platform, Nalanda Communications Centre welcomed new members on Saturday 11 January to further enhance its initiatives.
Volunteers recruited into the writers, designers, photographers, NalandaTV, and Website teams, were briefed on the team’s purpose and objectives by Sis. Foo Ai Li and Bro. Ajita Lim. The group also discussed potential ways of engaging the community in the future and even set the production of a new Lunar New Year video in motion.
We extend our appreciation to Nalanda Secretariat for helming this project which enables us to better communicate with our members, devotees, donors and supporters from near and far. May the expanded Communications Centre further develop and grow their activities to continue complementing the Society’s education mission. Sadhu.