Venerable monks and devotees at the front of Nalanda Centre after the candles have been lit on Buddha-rupam sedan.
Under the Wesak full-moon on Wednesday 22 May, over 1,500 devotees joined the highlight of Nalanda’s Buddha Day Observance – the Heritage Procession. In this endearing tradition, venerable monks from Sri Lanka and Thailand passed the flame from the Centre’s Sri Dhamma Hall to reach each and every devotee gathered.
As each person received the flame to light their candle and passed on the flame to others, calm and serenity spread just as evenly through the masses. The harmonious beating of gongs and the chant of the ‘Jayamangala Gatha’ then accompanied devotees who walked cultivating peace in the stately and elegant procession.
May we all continue to find moments of tranquillity in our lives, and develop a deeper understanding of how peace begins in each of us. With effort and the support of good friends, may more tranquil moments flourish in our lives. Sukhihontu.
Ajahn reminded us that the Buddha taught out of compassion, and we should take every opportunity to learn and embed His teachings in our daily lives.
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