Continuous Learning and Spiritual Reflection

Continuous Learning and Spiritual Reflection

Bro. Charlie Chia demonstrates the way to observe the ‘rising’ and ‘falling’ of the abdomen.

Report by Gan Bee Ching  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Sunday 20 July, devotees continued with Dhamma learning and spiritual cultivation at Nalanda Centre.  We were privileged to hear Bro. Charlie Chia deliver a light-hearted Dhamma talk titled, ‘It’s all in the breath’.

Bro. Charlie Chia explained physical and mental forms using the analogy of a bulb and electric current.  Both things are separate and distinctive.  Quoting the adage, ‘when the body is sick, let not the mind be sick’, he shared how breathing exercises kept his mind healthy and aided an early recovery from a serious ailment at a young age.  He added that the breath can lead to stability of mind, and the understanding of impermanence and non-self.

In view of the MH17 incident, Bro. Tan encouraged devotees to reflect upon the transiency of life.

After the Dhamma talk, Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan led the congregation in reciting prayers for victims of MH17 and their loved ones, and offered a beneficial reflection.  We were encouraged to reflect wisely on the tragic loss that deeply affected so many people, and dedicate merits to them.  The wonderful Service was concluded with wishes for ‘Santi’ – Peace.

Bro. Tan leading the recitation of parittas and dedication of merits to those in need.