Convocation Ceremony & Gratitude Day

Convocation Ceremony & Gratitude Day

NIM Convocation & Gratitude Day 2014.

Archive photograph: Convocation Ceremony for the class of 2014.

Nalanda Institute Malaysia will convene a Convocation Ceremony on Saturday, 14 January for graduates of BPS304 Certificate in Buddhist Studies, class of 2016.  It is also a day of gratitude and appreciation to all teachers, volunteers, and benefactors who provided precious opportunities for Dhamma learning.

Congratulations to all students for your diligent effort and determination over the past 6 months to complete the course.  Nalanda wishes to thank all lecturers, supporters and volunteers who have contributed to the students’ progress and success.  Everyone is invited to participate in the joyous Convocation Ceremony this Saturday.  All are welcome!