Daily Dhamma talks by Ven. Gavesi

Daily Dhamma talks by Ven. Gavesi

We welcome everyone to attend public Dhamma talks at 8pm daily, from 24 to 29 June.

We welcome everyone to attend public Dhamma talks at 8pm daily, from 24 to 29 June.

Nalanda Centre is hosting a 5-day non-residential Meditation Retreat guided by Venerable Gavesi for beginners and intermediate meditators from 25 to 29 June.  We look forward to welcoming all meditators who have registered for the retreat to Nalanda Centre on Sunday.

Participants are reminded to bring along a shawl or jacket as it may get quite cold in the evenings.  Vegetarian lunch and tea-breaks will be served daily.

Beginning Saturday 24 June, Ven. Gavesi will also be giving public talks from 8.00pm to 9.30pm every night throughout the retreat period.  We invite everyone to attend these special talks which mostly pertain to meditation topics.  Grab this opportunity to learn more about the practice from an experienced teacher.  All are welcome.


Profile of Ven. Gavesi

Ven. Gavesi was ordained in 2001 by the late Sayadaw U Pandita of Panditārama Forest Meditation Centre in Myanmar.  For over 20 years, Ven. Gavesi has been practising both Samatha and Vipassana bhāvanā under various teachers such as Sayadaw U Pandita, Sayadaw Nyanapurnik, and Ven. Sujiva.

Nowadays, Ven. Gavesi teaches Vipassana technique in Malaysia as well as overseas.  He is presently the Spiritual Adviser to Peace House in Penang.